In the 1960’s, university-based open source code development and sharing led to breakthroughs in the electronic design software that ultimately powered the semiconductor industry. Other disciplines are taking on that open and collaborative model to share research leading to breakthroughs in other fields.
One example is developed at Purdue University, NanoHUB is an online gateway to simulation, research, collaboration and teaching in the nano-sciences.
From 12 p.m. – 1 p.m., Dr. Timothy Fisher of Purdue will speak about the successes of an interdisciplinary community coming together to use a collaborative tool for sharing information, tools and resources, and why openness is an important key to success. Then, from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m., Dr. Tanya Faltens of Purdue will lead a workshop focused on the demonstration and use of NanoHUB.
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