Time: October 28, 2011 from 11am to 11:30am
Country: online
Website or Map: http://www.eifl.net/events/op…
Event Type: live, streaming
Organized By: Iryna Kuchma
Latest Activity: Oct 26, 2011
Are you considering an open access policy at your institution? Would you like to embed your repository withing institutional processes and demonstrate its value for faculty members and students? Join us for a conversation about open access at University of Glasgow.
William J Nixon, Digital Library Development Manager, will talk about open access policy (University of Glasgow Publications Policy) and advocacy through embedding: integrating repository and research management system.
William J Nixon will be presenting at international workshop "The significance of institutional repositories in research development and availability of scientific information" hosted by the University of Latvia Library coinciding with Open Access Week 2011. The event is organized within EIFL funded institutional open access advocacy campaign Information about Open Access movement and resources in the University of Latvia implemented by the University of Latvia Library.
Live streaming will be organized by EIFL Open Access programme. Registration is free, but required.
Date and time
Live streaming on Friday, October 28
Duration: 10.00 – 10.30 UK time / 11.00 – 11.30 CEST
How to register
To register your interest, please email iryna.kuchma@eifl.net as soon as possible stating your name, email address, job title, country, and your EIFL role if you have one.
The session is open to anyone to attend but places are limited. If it is oversubscribed, priority will be given to participants from EIFL partner countries.
How you participate
Once your place is confirmed, you will receive a URL and password for the session.
All you will need is an internet-connected computer with sound (and maybe headphones if you are in a busy room).
To check if your computer will be able to access the session successfully, please go to www.instantpresenter.com/systemtest
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