Time: October 19, 2015 from 4:30pm to 6pm
Country: United States of America
Website or Map: http://pi.tt/peerreview
Event Type: panel, discussion
Organized By: OA@Pitt; Carnegie Mellon University
Latest Activity: Oct 13, 2015
Monday, October 19, 4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Light refreshments will be served beginning at 4:00 p.m.
University Club Ballroom A, University of Pittsburgh
Moderator: Jackie Smith, Professor of Sociology and editor,
Journal of World-Systems Research
Brandon Stell, PubPeer;
Larry Kane, University of Pittsburgh, F1000 Research;
Lenny Teytelman, Protocols.io;
Josh Nicholson, The Winnower
Independent peer review is one of the foundations of scholarship and a practice that has been in place in the academy for centuries. This panel will address innovations that promote transparency and accelerate the pace of research, such as post-publication review, open peer review, and research evaluation ethics, exploring questions such as:
About the panelists:
Larry Kane is Associate Professor in the Dept. of Immunology at the University of Pittsburgh. As a member of the Faculty of 1000, Dr. Kane is avid contributor to F1000Prime and F1000Research, and is an advocate for innovation in the peer review process to accelerate the dissemination of research.
Josh Nicholson is the founder of The Winnower, an open scholarly publishing platform launched in 2014. The Winnower acts as a publisher and archiver for a variety of content (research,reddit AMAs, student essays, journal club proceedings, peer reviews, open letters, grants, etc.) and to-date has published over 600 articles. Nicholson received his PhD in cell biology in 2015 from Virginia Tech. He has authored numerous articles on scientific funding and publishing in addition to his research on cancer, some of which have been discussed in The Economist, The Boston Globe and other major news outlets.
Brandon Stell is a neuroscientist and team leader at the French national science organization CNRS in Paris and is the President of the PubPeer Foundation.
Lenny Teytelman is a geneticist and computational biologist. Since 2012, he has devoted himself to creating protocols.io: a free and up-to-date central repository of life science methods. As cofounder of protocols.io Lenny brings a strong passion for sharing science and improving research efficiency through technology.
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