Registered participants for "Open Access for Global Climate Change Scientists 2011" can obtain access to watch the presentations live online (configuration below).
In addition, you can win fee waivers worth 700-1500 euros for either any Inter-Research journal (e.g. Marine Ecology Progress Series) or any European Geoscience Union journal (e.g. Biogeosciences).

The fee-waiver would allow the owner to publish their next peer-reviewed manuscript in those journals via open access for FREE (subject to passing standard peer-review procedure).
To enter the draw, just register to attend at the offical training website before the 26th October 2011.

The presentations will be broadcast LIVE on the web, allowing for interaction via chat, or online voting. Participants need to test their system before the event (instructions below). Access on the 26th October will be password protected and participants must register on the offical training website to obtain access.
Join the meeting:
Configuration: You will need Flash Player version 10.1 or above, and an internet connection - preferably 128 kbit or above (up- and download).
Test your connection: If you pass step 1, 2 and 3 in the test, you can attend the meeting. Get a quick overview: