Time: October 6, 2011 at 6pm to November 15, 2011 at 6pm
Country: http://www.flickr.com/groups/eifloaweek2011photocontest/
Website or Map: http://www.flickr.com/groups/…
Event Type: photo, contest
Organized By: Iryna Kuchma
Latest Activity: Oct 20, 2011
Take out your cameras and document your activities!
EIFL is looking for interesting and inspiring photographs to help promote awareness of and share ideas for Open Access Week.
Please send us photographs of activities that took place at your library during OA week 2011, October 24 – 30, 2011.
Submit up to 10 photographs by the deadline: November 15, 18:00 GMT + 1 hour
NOTE: You do not need to upload the photographs all at the same time. You can do it across days or weeks, but it must be done before the deadline and no more than 10 total.
There will be one Winner who will get … a digital photography keychain + the photograph will be featured on EIFL’s facebook page + EIFL’s website + it will also be included with photo credit in EIFL outreach materials (such as annual report, or handouts, etc)
Runners up photographs will be included with photo credit in EIFL outreach materials (such as our website, annual report, or handouts, etc)
November 15, 18:00 GMT + 1 hour
Staff from a current EIFL partner country consortium or from one of their member libraries.
1. Sign up with flickr (if you are new to flickr); www.flickr.com
2. Upload your photographs into your ‘photostream’
3. For each photograph, add a Title and in the Description include: your name; country; and a short description.
4. Then join our ‘EIFL OA Week 2011 Photo Contest’ group www.flickr.com/groups/eifloaweek2011photocontest/; click the "Join this group" link at the top of the page.
5. Once you have joined up, then you can add your photographs to our ‘EIFL OA Week 2011 Photo Contest’ group. Read info about how to share a photo to a group www.flickr.com/help/groups/#57
IMPORTANT: all digital images should be submitted as high-resolution JPEG or TIFF files. The photos must be at least 300 dpi or 2500 pixels on the longest side. If you submit any photo that falls below this high resolution standard, that photo maybe disqualified.
By submitting photos, you give EIFL permission to use them. The permission includes, but is not limited to, publication by EIFL in printed materials, web sites and internal communications. You will not be compensated for such use. However, where reasonable, we will give you credit for the photos.
All photographs submitted will be under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Ideally, you should aim to take a variety of photographs that capture the essence of the event and will inspire the others to organise something similar. Make sure you take some close-up photos as well as some wider pictures to show the subject's environment.
Contact Rosalie Lack at rosalie.lack@eifl.net or Iryna Kuchma iryna.kuchma@eifl.net
Why is the eligibility limited to "[s]taff from a current EIFL partner country consortium or from one of their member libraries"?
Also, while I understand the reasoning behind the demand for 2500 pixels, this is hardly compatible with documenting online events.
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