Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

What we intend to do this year for OA week. 2014 Tanzania


1.Organize a 1 day training sessions for medical students and university admin on the role they can play in advocating for open access


2.we have created an “Open Access Tanzania” facebook page on the planned OAWactivities, invite members, manage discussions on OA, post links on OA events and activities,share online resources. This group has been active and will remain active even after the OAW



3. We intend to put banners and posters for the whole duration of OA week in around all IMTU campus"  -  These will  publicize OA on entire week.


4. we plan to have a tent set beside college of medicine where we will have students
giving information on open access to fellow students and university staf "

- At the tent we will also have mini-quiz session on open access, who answer correctly will be given

•  Key holders"

•  Wrist bands "

•  Pens and notebooks" With open access logos"


5. We intend to also hand out flyers "


6. Tshits for each of organizing commetee member and for few chosen staffs that will attend.

7. open access Advocacy to be done continously in classes where we will be able to reach more students


8.Drinks and snacks to be provided to all individuals that will attend trainings.

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