Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Welcome to the updated Open Access Week website!

We’ve updated and simplified the Open Access Week website, which we hope will make it more useful and easier to navigate.  The homepage is the focal point of the revisions, and the new Featured Posts section will highlight curated content and resources to help plan and promote your Open Access Week activities.

While we’ve removed many of the feeds that populated the old homepage, you can view a consolidated feed in the Community Engagement tab that will display all activity on the Open Access Week network—from blog posts to events to photos and videos.  All of the content has been preserved in this transition, and the URLs for pages have remained the same.
We will continue to make tweaks and updates to the site now that we’ve transitioned to the new layout, and we welcome and thoughts or suggestions you have for how we can continue to improve this as a resource for the community.


Views: 4373


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Comment by Dinah Koteikor Baidoo on August 10, 2015 at 2:31am
You are doing great. Open Access Week provides an opportunity for librarians to know what they stand for and do. It is also an opportunity to create awareness for faculty to publish research articles in Open Access Resources and for students and faculty to access the Open Access Resources.

The new Open Access Week website is so colourful, bold and reader friendly.
Comment by University of Stellenbosch on July 14, 2015 at 4:24am

Congrats with the new web site. It has a great feel to it. - Ina (ASSAf, South Africa)

Comment by Nick Shockey on June 17, 2015 at 7:50am

Very good point! It's supposed to be in the header, but it somehow wasn't ported over from the development site when we were building it. We should have it prominently displayed at the top shortly.

Thanks, Antonin!

Comment by Antonin Delpeuch on June 17, 2015 at 7:47am

The new website is nice, but one thing is missing: the dates of the OA week! They should be made very visible on the front page, I think.

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