Introducing HARVEST
Holistic Access to Research on Vegetables, Economies, Societies, and Technology
HARVEST is the World Vegetable Center's open access document and data archive.
WorldVeg mobilizes resources from the public and private sector to realize the potential of vegetables for healthier lives and more resilient livelihoods. WorldVeg’s improved varieties, production and postharvest methods help farmers increase vegetable harvests, raise incomes in poor rural and urban households, create jobs, and provide healthier, more nutritious diets for families and communities.
Part of our mission is to widely share our research and knowledge. HARVEST helps us do just that. It is built on the TIND platform. HARVEST features more than 50,000 records, many with freely downloadable journal articles, datasets, training manuals, videos, and more.
Have a look -- if you like HARVEST, please share the link with your network: https://worldveg.tind.io
Maureen Mecozzi
Director, Communications
World Vegetable Center
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