Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Videos with Duke scholars about the benefits of open access

I just posted a handful of videos with scholars at Duke talking about open access and how it benefits both them personally as well as the broader community.

Two of these videos were produced by the Duke Law School for OA Week in 2009, and two of them are new for this year. The new ones were produced by Karl Bates, Duke's Director of Research Communications and manager of the Duke Research blog. In discussions with the OA Week planning team we identified some Duke researchers who were known to have published in or be editors of OA venues or be strong OA supporters, and Karl asked them to talk about their experience with OA in a short video. Karl reports that each shoot took under a half-hour, and says that in terms of finding good subjects for videos like this "In a nutshell, I'd advise news officers (or librarians) to look for folks who have used OA journals, or who are on the mastheads of same. If they've done it, they're fans."

These videos and other information about Open Access and OA Week activities at Duke University can also be found on the Open Access @ Duke web site.

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Comment by Donna Okubo on September 29, 2010 at 5:33am
Thank you Paolo for sharing this wonderful videos.

Wouldn't it be great to have a collection of videos like these from every institutions!

Don't forget to post your materials or activies on how people in your institutions have been using Open Access content. It really does inspire others.

Again thank you so much Paolo.

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