Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Dear OA Workers and friends

Some good news:

1.  UWC Library will be recruiting nationally for a new position: Head: Repository and Digital Scholarship Services.  Really looking forward to opening a new chapter for Openness at UWC with a dedicated staff member.  The ad should appear in Sunday Times before end of October - maybe coincide with OA Week!


2.  This year, we're putting our money where our mouth is with an opportunity for UWC researchers.  See the attached file (hope it loads). Opportunity.pdf.  We're diverting funds normally set aside for copyright costs (feeds paid to corporate publishers for course reader duplication costs) to pay article processing charges for publication in accredited OA journals. Hopefully, we'll be able to draw on these researchers' OA endorsements in months to come.

Thanks to Elsabe and UP for the master list of accredited OA journals at - this was very helpful in preparing our own subject based lists.


3. Otherwise, we'll be pushing hard with Repository promotion.  Our faculty librarians will be trained again tomorrow so they're well set to campaign for the Repository in their departments.


Best wishes to all for their OA Week activities - one month to go!

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