Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

UTS Journal Managers describe OA Publishing as rewarding and flexible

UTS Library has just completed an open seminar with Journal Managers and Editors representing their open access journals (powered by OJS). Journal Managers and Editors described the system as flexible, rewarding and innovative. They discussed the steady climb in readership and subscribers, the international flavour of their editorial boards and contributors, and the opportunity to provide alternate forms of publishing because of the digital format (eg linking through to data, providing depth and richness to articles). Advantages of moving to an online open access system included allowing people to experiment with ideas, the potential to publish in multiple languages, opportunities for early career and emerging researchers to publish, reduction in workload and in costs associated with producing a journal.

UTS is the largest publisher of online open access journals in Australasia. More details are available on the UTSeScholarship site.

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