Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Tshwane University of Technology launches its institutional repository

The Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) celebrated Open Access Week by launching its Institutional Repository. The name for the repository is Tshwane University of Technology Digital Open Repository (TUTDOR). The launch event kicked off with opening remarks from the TUT Vice Chancellor and Principal Professor Nthabiseng Ogude, followed by the keynote address by the DVC Research and Innovation, Prof Lulama Makhubela. Other speakers included Prof Pierre de Villiers, Managing Director: AOSIS , Mr Felix Ubogu, from WITS, Mr Pierre Malan from SABINET and Mr Lazarus Matizirofa from UJ.

TUTDOR was then launched by the VC who also signed the Open access mandate. The repository was showcased by the Project Leader Mr April Mahlangu and the event ended by the vote of thanks by the DVC Teaching and learning Dr Stanley Mukhola. It was an enormously successful event and Tshwane University of Technology Library and Information Services (TUTLIS) is proud to have been the host of the event and the custodian of the TUT institutional repository leading its university in into the journey to Open Access.

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