Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Translating 'Set the default to open'

Greetings, all! I have two big questions for the Open Access community:

1) What type font does Open Access use in its logo? If possible, I'd like to match it in some of the fan art I'm making for the big week.

2) How do you translate the seminal phrase 'Set the default to open' in other languages? I'd like to start with Spanish ('Establecer el valor predeterminado a abierto') but I need to run this Google translation by friends and colleagues.

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Comment by Nick Shockey on October 9, 2013 at 2:54am

I think the translation project would be a great Hackathon. Since your title is last year's theme you may try looking up past events from those regions.

As for font the words International OPEN ACCESS WEEK are Myriad Pro bold.

Comment by Ron Mader on October 8, 2013 at 11:05am

Thanks, Andrea. I've seen the International Download page but I'm curious as to whether we could stoke a massive translation effort. For example, I'd love to know how to translate 'Open Access Week' into indigenous languages including Maori, Sami and Zapotec. 

And since my presentation is titled 'Set the Default to Open' I welcome any suggestions of how this phrase is said in other languages.

Comment by Nick Shockey on October 8, 2013 at 8:49am


I'm checking with PLOS regarding the font. I'll let you know when I find out!

In terms of translations- have you looked at the International Downloads:

Happy OA Week planning!

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