Welcome to the last day of the DOAJ blog!
Open Access week is now almost over, but we believe and hope that the effects of it will last much much longer than just a week! We want to begin with saying thank you to all the people that have read this blog and in other ways participated in this event. And thank you for all the suggestions of unlisted journals! At the time of writing there are 5553 journals in the directory, which means that 39 titles have been added since the beginning of the week. As a closure of this blog we are devoting the last post to some of these recently added journals.
On Monday we added the Kenyan journal Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa and we are happy to tell you that we now have got 6 listed journals from this country. The journal is hosted at AJOL, a portal which we have mentioned earlier when we discussed “Theme Africa”. Other African additions are the South African journals Investment Analysts Journal and Kronos (Bellville).
On Monday we also added the journal Mythological Studies Journal from the Pacifica Graduate Institute. The journal is covering studies of myths and is currently the only listed journal with such a specific subject! Another great journal covering the humanities is the Spanish journal Forma which has an interdisciplinary approach to the humanities. The journal has for example published an interesting article in the area of reception studies, which discusses the reception of the painter Robert Motherwell’s Elegies to the Spanish Republic in Spain: http://www.upf.edu/forma/otono09/elizabetgoula.html.
Another rare subject in DOAJ is Military Science. This week though we added our 4th journal on the subject. Obrana a Strategie from the Czech Republic is presenting a scientific approach to different ongoing conflicts in the world and has been publishing since 2001.
A large subject in DOAJ is Education. At the moment the section contains 373 journals and the subject also had the most added journals this week. We have added 5 new titles, for example the Swedish journal Utbildning & Demokrati : Tidsskrift för Didaktik och Utbildningspolitik, which is published by our member Örebro University. Another large subject is Health Sciences. The section is divided into different subclasses and in the category Allergy and Immunology we have added the title AIDS Research and Treatment from Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
E&G : Quaternary Science Journal was added on Wednesday and according to our opinion it has got a really great web site! To ease sharing they have added links to tools like Delicious, Mister Wong, Facebook, Twitter and gives a number of possibilities for users to link articles to blogs. The journal is also licensed with a CC-BY-license and has uploaded the entire archive back to 1951! As the title suggest the journal is devoted to Geology.
Thank you again for reading this blog and showing interest in our service. Please continue to use it and to suggest new titles to us! If having questions you are cordially welcome to contact us!
Best wishes from the DOAJ team
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