Welcome to the fourth day of the DOAJ blog!
Half of the week has already passed and we hope that you are enjoying yourself and that the activities going on at your university are successful!
Since DOAJ is a service dependent on economical support to be able to maintain and develop its activities, we initiated a membership program some years ago. We have gained a lot of support through this activity and to cherish our current members and sponsors the theme of the day is journals from these institutions. We can unfortunately not highlight them all, but we are grateful for all the economical help we have received throughout the years and encourage you to visit this site to see which individuals, institutions, libraries, research centers, consortia’s, associations and aggregators that are DOAJ members. Please note that it is not mandatory to publish a journal to become a member. It is neither mandatory to be a member to get a journal listed. Supporting DOAJ is only a way of helping us to maintain and develop the service!
Before giving you tips about journals we want to encourage you to investigate if your library, institution or organization are a member. If not, don’t you think a membership would be a great, visible and sustainable way of celebrating Open Access week for your institution? Remember that our service is both helping publishers and editors to increase the impact of their journals, but also libraries to gain free, quality-controlled journals which can be added to their catalogues and thereby increasing the resources they can offer their users.
International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education is a journal from our member Queensland University in Technology, Australia. The journal covers a subject as specific as research and practice about enhancing the experience of commencing students!
From United States we have both many members and journals. In fact the US is the country with most journals added to DOAJ. 1136 journals are listed according to our journals by country statistics. One of the journals published by the member Columbia University Libraries is Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal, which aims to educate students about the academic publication process, by making them participate as members of the staff and invites them to submit articles to the journal.
Our sponsor INASP is supporting journals from for example Bangladesh and Nepal, and we have listed a number of journals from these countries thanks to the organization. Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society and Bangladesh Journal of Anatomy are two medical journals that are using free software and publishing their journals with the Open Journals Systems.
A European member that has a lot of listed journals is CLEO, the organization behind the portal revues.org. For example: Temporalités, a journal in French which is covering both social sciences and the humanities. The member has also a number of journals from the archeological field hosted, for example Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France which is dedicated to archeology in the area of France.
Since the DOAJ team is situated in Sweden, we have got a number of members from here. The journal Education Inquiry comes from Umeå university and are publishing articles in English about education and educational policies.
On the portal Versita Open a lot of journals from Eastern Europe are hosted. At the moment 29 of these journals are listed in DOAJ. Human Affairs that are covering social sciences, humanities and law is a Slovakian example.
As pointed out before the journals presented are only a selection of the journals from our members. Do you favorite that has not been mentioned? Feel free to use the comment field to highlight it, discuss the benefits of the DOAJ membership program and help us to promote supporting activities!
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Open Access Week
in partnership with our
Advisory Committee
1 member
35 members
48 members
All content subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License unless specified differently by poster. Created by Nick Shockey.
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