Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

The "Publishing Open Access with IEEE" webinar is tomorrow!

Open Access (OA) publishing is steadily changing the scholarly research landscape. While OA has made it easier for the public to access the latest scientific and technical research for free, the process and choices for authors may feel more complex. This webinar will answer your questions on things like licensing, journal integrity, impact factor, and how to reach established audiences within relevant technical communities.
On October 22, 2013, watch Karen Hawkins – IEEE Senior Director, Product Design, Marketing, Sales & Product Design – as she provides guidance for navigating the many options of OA publishing. Karen Hawkins will explain:
  • The benefits of publishing with IEEE
  • The difference between fully OA journals and those that offer “hybrid” options
  • The easy process authors follow when ready to publish with IEEE

To register for the event, visit:

For additional information about IEEE’s open-access publishing options, please visit

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