Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

The African Journal Archive supports Open Access Week 18-24 October 2010

The African Journal Archive is pleased to be able to support Open Access week (18-24 October 2010). The project is collecting journals published exclusively in Africa and about Africa, with a focus on the Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. The Archive contains issues digitised retrospectively back to the first issue The journals are available free of charge on the African Journal Archive website at

The project provides a unique opportunity for universities and research organisations to digitise their journals free of charge back to the first issue. The digitised materials are then sent back to publishers for preservation and use on their own websites, further extending open access to African scholarship.

We invite African publishers to submit requests to for inclusion as soon as possible to benefit from currently available funding. Recommendations for new titles would also be appreciated.

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