Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Schedule of OA Week activities sponsored by the University Libraries at SUNY Buffalo:

Monday, October 18, 10 - 11:30am
Current Status of Open Access
Bob Schatz from prominent open access publisher, BioMed Central, will kick off Open Access Week @ UB with an overview of how open access is impacting the scholarly communication landscape.

Tuesday, October 19, 3:30 - 5pm
Open Access eBooks: Their Paths to Freedom
Charles D'Aniello, UB Libraries
Electronic Book (eBook) publishing is rapidly evolving and this session will highlight past, current, and planned initiatives – including open
access publishing - which will make eBooks more accessible.
Google Books and a diversity of digital eBook efforts promise great
benefit for the public good, but many intertwined issues remain: their
financial sustainability, the role of copyright law, permanence in the
online environment, and control of access.

Wednesday, October 20, 3 - 4:30pm
Open Access Journals: Editors’ Perspectives
Panel discussion with Four OA Journal Editors
Four open access journal editors will describe their experiences starting, running, and editing open access journals. Speakers are:
Christopher Hollister, editor of Communications in Information Literacy; Pamela Jones, editor of the Journal of Library Innovation; and Cayden Mak and Olivier Delrieu-Schulze, editors of a.version.

Thursday, October 21, 10am - Noon
Tenure Metrics in an Open Access World
Dean Hendrix, UB Libraries
The UB Libraries subscribe to dozens of individual resources that list publications from talented UB faculty and researchers. Collectively,
these resources provide a compelling look at your publications, and may
be of value when assembling materials for promotion and tenure
consideration. This one and a half hour workshop will give you insight
into tools such as Web of Science, Google Scholar, and the Journal
Citation Reports, so that you can better understand the contribution
your research has made to the scientific literature.

Friday, October 22, 1- 2:30pm
Critical Mass is Critical: A View Into the Changing World of Scholarly Communications
Gregg Gordon, CEO & President, Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
Using data from the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) and other sources,
this presentation will provide a brief history of how scholarly
communications have changed in recent years and outline an approach for
using online communities to produce innovative results.

Details available on the UB Libraries Scholarly Communication webpage.

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