Open Access Week

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SPARC Webcast January 14th: Open Access Developments in Latin America with Nicholas Cop

Another free SPARC online event
Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

12:00 - 1:00PM EDT (use helpful time converter)

Registration is free, but required. Please RSVP.
This webcast requires both a phone dial-in and an Internet connection. 

Open Access Week events showcased the many ways people across the globe informed staff, faculty, and students to the benefits of Open Access. While there have been many advancements made here in the U.S. and the U.K., developing countries have utilized new publishing models to capitalize on opening up research results and data. Latin America, in particular has seen unprecedented surge in advocacy for public access –Argentina now has legislation that requires all publicly funded research be available in open access interoperable institutional repositories. 

Using an Open Access peer-review model for their repository, the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) has gained a positive reputation across the globe –now has on average over one million articles downloaded from the their site each day and their journals currently boast almost 10 million citations.

Our guest speaker, Nicholas Cop, is the Founder and President of Nicholas Cop Consulting, LLC and consultant on the SciELO program. SciELO began in 1998 as an e-journal initiative funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation. SciELO publishes over 1000 journal titles mainly from Latin America and Caribbean but also including Portugal, Spain and South Africa. 

Nicholas will provide background and updates on Open Access in Latin America and the many developments SciELO is undertaking.

To accommodate interest in every time zone, this 1-hour event will be recorded and available on our website shortly afterwards.   

Please join us for a lively and interactive discussion. SPARC’s Executive Director, Heather Joseph, will be moderating questions during the webcast. Feel free to post preliminary comments and questions for Nicholas right here.  

For additional information, contact SPARC’s Communication’s Manager, Andrea Higginbotham at andrea [at] arl [dot] org.


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