When I joined Annual Reviews 5 years ago as a PLOS alum, I was hopeful (but not certain) that we could create a business model to convert our subscription journals, which publish expert reviews in the life, biomedical, physical, and social sciences, to open access. You can chart our progress towards open on this blog.
Today, that model, called Subscribe to Open, is a reality. We've piloted it on eight of our journals and there's even a Community of Practice for wider publisher adoption. We want to recognize this milestone by fully participating in Open Access Week and are hosting the following event which we invite you to join.

Tune in to three one-to-one conversations, exploring issues ranging from the societal — such as the need for scientific findings to inform sound policy responses to the pandemic and climate change — to the personal, through stories from the speakers’ working lives where unlocking knowledge helped guide individual decisions or spark an appreciation of the natural world.
The participants are:
- Harmit Singh Malik, Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center, Editorial Committee Member of the Annual Review of Virology
- Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Central European University, Budapest, Editorial Committee Member of the Annual Review of Environment and Resources
- Rosie Mestel, Executive Editor of Knowable Magazine
Moderated by: Richard Gallagher, President and Editor-In-Chief, Annual Reviews.
We look forward to welcoming you on October 27 2021. Sign up today.
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