Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Can someone send me material/literature which can help me in preparing a ppt presentation to make other people aware about open access during open access week.

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Comment by Donna Okubo on July 9, 2010 at 7:57am
Dear Dr. Vyas,

To start you off here is a link on this site under News and tools a downloadable OA Week Powerpoint Template. There are also many downloadable video that you might want to send or your within your institution prior to OA Week as well.

To help me provide you with better information please tell me the following:
1. How knowledgeable is your audience about OA?
2. Are there particular areas of topics that concern your audience (i.e. Author rights? Tenure and promotion?, etc.)
3. What are your goals and outcomes for OA Week? (i.e. Do you want to intiate an OA policy?, Start an OA publication fund?, Launch an institutional reposity?, etc.)

This background will help me provide you materials for your Powerpoint presentation.

Thank you.

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