Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Peter Lang and ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre make 600 Economics books available Open Access!

We’re delighted to share the news that Peter Lang and ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre are working together to make almost 600 titles from Peter Lang's Economics program freely accessible to scholars worldwide. The titles, available internationally via a CC-BY license, come from these established series in Economics:

Allokation im marktwirtschaftlichen Systembr
Beiträge zum Controlling
Bochumer Beitr
äge zur Unternehmensführung
Controlling & Business Accounting
Finanzwissenschaftliche Schriften
Forschungsergebnisse der Wirtschaftsuniversit
ät Wien
öttinger Studien zur Entwicklungsökonomik / Göttingen Studies in Development Economics
Hohenheimer volkswirtschaftliche Schriften
Schriften zu Marketing und Management
ökonomische Schriften
Schriften zur Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik

The project will involve the digitisation of nearly 500 titles. You will be able to find these titles online from Spring 2018 on Peter Lang's website, ZBWs platform EconStor, the OAPEN library, as well as other Open Access platforms.

Were committed to supporting Open Access publication models. Our Managing Director in Germany, Dr Sven Fund, had this to say about the exciting agreement: Open Access is a future-oriented way of scholarly publishing that significantly increases the visibility of academic research. The Open Access agreement with the ZBW is a key step on our way to guarantee long-term availability of Peter Lang content to the largest possible scientific community.

Find out more about Peter Langs Open Access initiatives on our website:

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