Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

OPUSeJ (Open-access Peer-reviewed Universal Scholarly electronic Journal) at is a new site, still in an incubation state, which is our answer to "Set the default to OPEN ACCESS". OPUSeJ is an academic article sharing site designed to handle all scholarly articles. Any article, by any author, on any subject, in any language, in any format could be submitted for peer-review to be published for free online access by all. Any article (or a pre-reviewed version of the article) that has already been published after peer-review, in any journal, could be registered at OPUSeJ as a Forum article. This is a site in which the author acts as a moderator for open comments and can post addendum, erratum and citations forward.

OPUSeJ is strictly electronic, run by volunteers and is peer-produced, so costs are low. Author registration fees would be nominal and are currently not being charged. All are welcome to view the site and consider contributing a new manuscript or registering an already published article. For more info read the editorial, Scholars without Borders at


Donato Pezzutto

Editor OPUSeJ 

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