Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

International Open Access Week is a global, community-driven week promoting Open Access as the new default in scholarship and research. This year the celebration is held October 24-30 with the theme: “Open in Action.” Hashtag: 

To be fair, International Open Access Week has always been about catalyzing action, and this year’s theme encourages everyone to take concrete steps to make their own work more openly available and encourage others to do the same. is making a formal request for examples of good practice from our readers. Have you published in an Open Access journal? Have you made photos, artwork or videos available with an Attribution-ShareAlike license? Have you edited Wikipedia or other open access-licensed wikis? Would you like to?

Ideally we’d like to see, share and remix stories about responsible, conscious, local ecotourism. This requires speaking to travelers and locals alike. The focus for the 2016 World Tourism Day was accessible tourism — the creation of environments that can cater for the needs of all of us, whether we are traveling or staying at home. What open access and accessible travel have in common is access and there are too many barriers in the physical world and in the knowledge ecosystem. We should be uncomfortable with this. Let’s make positive changes happen this week — open in action.


Established in 2008 by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) and partners in the student community, International Open Access Week is an opportunity to take action. The “Open in Action” theme highlights the researchers, librarians, students, and others who have made a commitment to working in the open and how that decision has benefitted them—from researchers just starting their careers to those at the top of their field.

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What are some examples of explaining ‘open access’ in a way that broadens understanding and usage?

How is International Open Access Week translated in other languages?

How will the upcoming meeting of the Conference of the Parties (#CBDCOP13) serve as an example of Open Access?

What are your favorite open access and creative commons-licensed tourism data, reports?

What are the notable publications and resources made available this year in Open Access format in the following categories:

  • Travel and Tourism
  • Parks and Protected Areas
  • Travel and Tourism in Parks and Protected Areas (a special shoutout to the members of TAPAS)

Which pages will be edited by more than one editor this week on the Planeta Wiki?

Specific requests: What can we add to Planeta’s guides to Mexico’s Wildlife, Biodiversity, Parks and Protected Areas, the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development and Te Matatini?

Views: 229


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