Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

OPEN ACESS WEEK - 2 events in Woods Hole

The MBLWHOI Library Woods Hole, Massachusetts will hold 2 open access events during Open Access Week:

Tuesday October 23rd at noon In the Grass Reading Room, 2nd floor Lillie Building  

OPEN DATA and OPEN ACCESS in WOODS HOLE                                       

 MBLWHOI Librarians Lisa Raymond and Liza Coburn of the WHOI Data Library lead an open discussion on data use, storage, and preservation.    


Thursday, October 25th at noon in the Grass Reading Room, 2nd floor Lillie Building




LED BY Michael Moore OF WHOI, and MBLWHOI Librarians Ann Devenish and Matt Person:

An open conversation about open access designed to accommodate all points of view 

If you have a particular interest in speaking to a particular point at either event, please let us know ahead of time: or

All members of the MBL, WHOI, and Woods Hole community are welcome.

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