Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Open Access Week 2015 - Wikipedia EditAtone

To observe the global Open Access Week- 2015, Wikipedia Bengali community is going to arrange a Wikipedia Online Edit Atone likewise most of the other Wikipedia communities around the globe. This online edit atone will go through October 19 to 25. 
On this day, Wikipedia community members can attend the online occasion from any part of world through a wiki userACCOUNTglobally or community basis.

Subject of the Year: Topics, defining Open Access

The Wikipedia and Facebook event pages for this issue of Bengali community already have launched. The community invites its members to join and take part toGROW awareness about this Open Knowledge Access Program.

It is suggested to the members to determine their subject- topic, on which, (s)he would like toWORK with and to enlist own topic at the specific linked page as given bellow:

What to do:
1)            Create new article about Open Access and Open Access Week
2)            Develop previous articles about Open Access and Open Access Week
3)            To accomplish previously initiated articles
4)            To relate simultaneous subjective articles in cross lingual platform through WikiData
5)            After accomplishment, classify each article in view of proper evaluation at the Talk page.
Put your requirement at the Talk page for farther assistance

What not to do:
1)            Do not create incomplete or shorter article
2)            Do not create article except information source
3)            Should not involve in edit conflict

Views: 289


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