Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

It is Open Access Week  on October 19 - 25, 2015 and LSHTM is taking part with a number of activities across the School.

Kicking off events on Monday, John Murtagh, Manager of LSHTM Research Online will give a briefing on how researchers can make their work Open Access without having to pay for it via the Gold Open Access route. Over 90% of journals allow a final draft version of the paper to be self-archived in a research repository. "How to do Open Access without paying" covers the Green Open Access route and John will show researchers how best to do this, how to keep your author rights using the author addendum and how to use Research Online effectively for dissemination.

The briefings take place on

  • Monday 19th October 1-2pm, Jerry Morris B, Tavistock Place
  • Thursday 22nd October 1-2pm, Bennett Room, Keppel Street

OA 2015 poster

Every day next week a new Vine will be launched (what's a vine?) which will cover an aspect of Open Access at the School, this might be Creative Commons licences, funder requirements, benefits of OA - we just don't know yes as it's in the hands of Ivan and Lalaine our wonderful late-late Library Assistants.

Catch all of this via this blogVine and Twitter feeds.

We will also be available during the week at our stall down by the Refectory - giving out information, statistics of your Open Access downloads on Research Online, funder information and badges. We have nice badges. Oh and postcards. Lots of them.

As part of OA Week we are also offering a 1-1 for those who want help with OA or Research Online - that can be early career researchers wanting to find out what OA is - amazing I know.  August professors who want to know what OA is - still amazing. But also any administrators or research grants etc who want to find out how to make publications OA either through the Gold or Green route.OA Week 2015 Prize Draw Poster

Last but not least is we are hoping to make as many research publications from our researchers as Open Access as possible but having a prize draw for the most
deposits of your author accepted manuscripts into our research repository. 90 percent of journals allow you to self-archive a version of your paper so you can benefit from increased discoverability and wider dissemination of your work. The prizes are National Book Tokens and Curzon Cinema memberships - there's one around the corner at Brunswick Centre.

Send your papers to us at and we’ll upload them to LSHTM Research Online on your behalf. We'll then tot up the total at the end of the week. Please remember that it's final drafts we want and not the published PDF - the publishers don't allow that - for fairly obvious mean reasons.

If that's not enough for one week we are doing something wrong.

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