Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Open Access Week 2010 Picture/Music Mash-Up

Other than my background interests in being a musician and generally being creative, I've developed a bit of a thing for creating picture/music/video mash-up's of Conferences and Events that I attend either in person or as was the case here (and two of the below), virtually. I have no idea how this came about other than learning a thing or three (1) from the likes of Tony Hirst from the Open University.

Previous examples include mash-up's of ScienceOnline2009, ScienceOnline2009:London, ScienceOnline2010, and most recently, ScienceOnline2010:London.

Anyway, a few days ago, I downloaded about 80 photos from the pool on this website and other than the opening and closing shots, pretty much put them into a random order and using OpenOffice (Open Source), created a slideshow.

Using another Open Source tool, Audacity, I mashed up two MP3 files to create the audio track.

Having uploaded the slideshow to Slideshare, I then simply added the audio track to create a Slidecast.

And here is the end result:-

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