I have attended today, 25 October 2012 an Open Access Seminar at Vaal University of Technology.
Thanks to the VUT Library for organising the event and especially to Mr. Freeman Zulu, VUT Library Director: Client Services for inviting me to speak.
We had a lovely morning engaging in conversation about OA, the important role of the Institutional Repositories in making available free research content; OA South African & African collections, etc.
The detailed program is available here:http://www.vut.ac.za/new/images/Library/invitation-oa.pdf
I have uploaded my Open Access presentation on SlideShare:
http://www.slide share.net/pavlinka163/open-access-for-research-the...
On the picture, the speakers at the VUT Open Access seminar:
Mr. Pierre Malan (Director Client Services, SABINET);
Ms Susan Veldsman (Director: Scholarly Publishing Unit, Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAF);
Pavlinka Kovatcheva, Faculty Librarian:Sciences;
Ms Ina Smit (E-Research & Repository Manager, University of Stellenbosch);
Freeman Zulu, VUT HoD: Library Client Services;
Prof Pierre De Villiers (Managing Director, African Online Scientific Information Systems (AOSIS) (Pty) Ltd;
Ms Hettie Groenewald (Institutional Repository Manager, University of Pretoria)

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