When the IK Foundation publishes PRINTED BOOKS they are produced to achieve the highest level of quality in terms of content as well as of design; we practice a classic craft in which great attention is paid to the choice of paper, typefaces, printing and binding to provide the reader with the very best experience. Our books are made to last for centuries, as they are often used as reference works – we are proud of this tradition and will continue to uphold it in the future.
iBOOKS have other advantages, including the fact that one can read them freely, they are available to all and one can “carry with one” thousands of pages as long as one has access to the Internet. Perhaps their greatest advantage is the combination of being able so easily to look for hundreds of thousands of search words via iIndex and to get straight to the relevant page. At the bottom of each iBook page the “Index Tag Cloud” also shows which indexed words there are on each page.
The possibilities are endless, and we ask You as a reader to browse around in order to see what The IK Workshop Society has to offer – Add Knowledge, iFacts, iMaps and iIndex, directly related to iBooks.
We see iBooks as inspiring sources of information and as research tools. Should You wish to experience the printed volumes, they can generally be purchased with an iFellow discount in The IK Shop or are available in major libraries around the world.

The publication of a major international series of eight volumes - in all 11 books and over 5,500 pages - which has been in preparation since the late 1990s under the overall title of The Linnaeus Apostles - Global Science & Adventure. All the accounts of the apostles' journeys to every continent have been published for the first time in English; those of the apostles who left no travel journals are described through their correspondence or other sources. In the introductory and concluding volumes world experts in various subject fields will provide accounts of the 18th century, of Linnaeus, of travelling and the hardships of fieldwork, together with biographies and an index covering approximately 5,500 indexed printed pages, resulting in around 150,000 specific search terms and a considerable number of cross references or references to modern biological nomenclature.
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