We're hosting 2 speakers and the SPARC webinar this week.
The two formal speakers, Mike Furlough and Nick Disabato, will be broadcast on Mediasite Live [live.libraries.psu.edu (no login required)]
Anyone at a computer can join the Monday afternoon Webcast using the information at the SPARC website (URL below.) Anyone at a computer can join the Monday afternoon Webcast using the information at the SPARC website (URL
Monday October 22
Foster Auditorium, 1:30-2:30 PM
Title: Opening access to research: from concepts to actions
Speaker: Mike Furlough, Associate Dean
for Research and Scholarly Communications, Penn State University Libraries
ABSTRACT:The Internet was built to connect researchers and speed their work. It is now the primary means of access to information for researchers...in the developed world. It's easier than ever to share knowledge....with those who have access. But who has access, who should and how? These questions have been hotly debated in the academy, in board rooms, and in the halls of Congress for the past decade. Mike Furlough will provide an overview of the history and key concepts of the open access movement, including steps faculty and students can take to keep their work open.
Monday October 22
Foster Auditorium, Paterno Library, 4:00-5:30 PM webcast
Title: “Set the Default to Open Access” - a Webinar
The World Bank, which recently implemented its own open access policy, and SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) are sponsoring a 90 minute discussion to include panelists from stakeholder groups including researchers, students and policymakers. We will link to the live webcast from Washington, DC.
Updated information about the event will be posted at the SPARC website: http://www.arl.org/sparc/index.shtml and follow updates on Twitter with hashtag #WBLive.
Tuesday October 23
Speaker: Nick Disabato, creator and leader of the Publication Standards Project (http://pubstandards.org)
Foster Auditorium, Paterno Library 1:30-2:30 PM
Title: Digital's Rising Tide: DIY and Publication Standards in Digital Collections
Digital publishing presents many challenges for authors. Now they have a real choice between traditional
publishing and self-publishing, with the latter gaining more traction. Marketing needs to change its ways if it's going to adapt to new consumer attitudes. But archiving might be the biggest issue in the long run – especially as many
different formats, some proprietary, compete for commercial platform dominance.
What are the different formats of ebook, and how does their progressive obsolescence affect archival? How does user-generated content affect this? What are authors and publishers thinking as these changes unfold? And what
are the ramifications for publishers, authors, libraries, and readers?
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