Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

New Updated Version of ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit Released

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) has released a new version of its popular Scholarly Communication Toolkit with updated content. The Toolkit, developed and maintained by the ACRL Research and Scholarly Environment Committee, continues to provide content and context on a broad range of scholarly communication topics, including expanded information on data management. It provides links to examples of specific tools, including handouts, presentations, and videos for libraries to use on their own campuses, and for library school students seeking to incorporate these issues into their course work. The Toolkit is also widely used by libraries in conjunction with Open Access Week, an annual global event promoting open models of scholarly communication, that will occur from October 20-24, 2014. The ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit is freely available online at

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