Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

New books of interest for Open Access Week

Open Book Publishers has two titles, recently published,
of interest to those participating in Open Access Week.
Each book is available completely for free; Open Book has
a strict peer review policy.

1. Privilege and Property, edited by Ronan Deazley,
Martin Kretschmer and Lionel Bently.

15 eminent academics discuss the history and changing state of
intellectual property: from its nascent forms to the present day.
It shows how copyright has affected education and creativity. Of
utmost relevance for for today's digital world and important for
those interested in the background of copyright.

It is a companion to an astonishing Open Access digital archive,
Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900).

2. Text and Genre in Reconstruction.
Effects of Digitalization on Ideas, Behaviours,
Products and Institutions, edited by Willard McCarty.

Leading scholars investigate how the digital medium has
altered the way we read and write text. Incorporating scientific,
socio-historical, materialist and theoretical approaches, this
work explores topics ranging from how computers have affected our
relationship to language, whether the book has become an
obsolete object, the nature of online journalism, and the psychology
of authorship. The essays offer a significant contribution to the
growing debate on how digitization is shaping our collective identity,
for better or worse.

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