As a proud co-founder of Open Access Week, we hope you will join us in celebrating progress and promoting awareness to help make Open Access – the founding principle of PLOS – the new norm in scholarship and research globally. This year’s theme is “Open in Order to…” and invites the community to focus on what openness enables.
Since PLOS’ beginning, we’ve been open in order to accelerate progress in science and medicine through publishing, advocacy and innovation to benefit the research community and beyond. PLOS is open in order to ensure that: research outcomes are discoverable, accessible and available for discussion; science communication is constructive, transparent and verifiable; and publishing advances reproducibility, transparency and accountability.
Have a great Open Access Week!
Welcome to
Open Access Week
in partnership with our
Advisory Committee
1 member
35 members
48 members
All content subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License unless specified differently by poster. Created by Nick Shockey.
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