Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

JKUAT library partners with JKUMUN students

The JKUAT library in partnership with JKUAT students has previously participated in the OAW 2010 and 2011 with activities such as workshops, exhibitions, competitions and a beauty pageant which has now become an annual event. This year the library will be working with JKUMUN students to create awareness of the JKUAT Institutional Repository which is based on the Open Access model of publishing. The students will be visiting the various academic departments and demonstrating the JKUAT Institutional Repository. The week will climax with a beauty pageant on 26th October 2012. The pageant will crown Mr. and Miss JKUAT Open Access 2012 who will be ambassadors of our repository. The library held its first meeting with JKUMUN student leaders Francis Moseti and Jeffrey Okundi to chart the way forward for the OAW..

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