Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) (  launched in 2003 at Lund University, Sweden  is a centrally, publicly and internationally available community-curated database containing information on high quality open access journal titles across all disciplines, maintained by a team of professionals. It aims to become the default service for finding quality, peer-reviewed open access publications.


Only trusted scholarly journal titles adhering to DOAJ criteria are considered for inclusion. The criteria includes among others:


●     Peer-review of all articles published by experts in the field, prior to publication;

●     Transparency, also in terms of Article Processing Charges (APCs);

●     Publishing at least five (5) high quality scholarly journal articles per annum;

●     A carefully selected Editorial Board, with affiliations and countries clearly indicated;

●     Clear copyright and licensing terms; and

●     An open access policy, supporting access and reuse of content published without any barriers, to advance science and for the scientific dialogue to continue.

DOAJ has appointed Ambassadors to assist with identifying DOAJ compliant journals. I am working  as one of the DOAJ Ambassador for the India. We will work to improve Open Access in India.

I request to all of you please support our activities in India. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have questions regarding the application of Journals , or regarding quality open access journal publishing in general.


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