Open Access Week is drawing ever closer, now a mere 7 weeks away and this year it promises to be bigger and better than ever. The week has grown in just a few short years from students on just a handful of campuses working together, into a truly international event. This year the week’s spotlight is on young people with the theme “Generation Open”. The week will celebrate the mammoth contribution we’ve made to the Open Access movement, but also the address the unique challenges we face.
The week is already shaping up to be a huge success, with students from Nepal, to Nigeria and the USA planning events of all shapes and sizes. This year our Generation Open Grants (more here) drew a huge number of high quality applicants and we’re excited to have been able to support a great set of events. We were also thrilled that over 1000 OpenCon 2014 applicants also indicated they were going to get involved in Open Access Week.
To support you all in taking part in the week on Friday September 19th, at 6PM GMT+1 join us for an hour of ideas, tips and questions for running a great Open Access Week event. Sign up below and we’ll remind you closer to the time to join us. You can tweet us questions throughout (@R2RC) or leave a comment on the video. If you can’t join live though, you won’t miss out, we’ll have a video up straight after!
In the mean time, if you can’t hold the excitement in share the page with your friends, colleagues and anyone else who will listen!
Sign up at be notified, or grab a google calendar invite here: 
Originally posted at on September 3rd.
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