Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

"I am the voice of ASJ Open Forum" Video Initiative

Hi colleagues!

I wanted to share a video innovation we implemented for our OA journal, Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum. We sought to include the voices of international authors to broaden international inclusivity, discussing why they submit to or review for our Journal, in their own native language. We created a video series dubbed "I am the voice of ASJ Open Forum" and shared it on IGTV and also YouTube. The response has been incredible and all who participated were so thrilled for an opportunity to speak in their own language about their experience. It also afforded our new EIC an opportunity to introduce each of these authors and to thank them for their support.

Links can be found below. If you have any questions, I'm always happy to chat and I hope this is useful for your journals. Enjoy OA Week!

Phaedra Cress
Executive Publisher, Journals
ASJ and ASJ Open Forum
Cell: 862-414-1101

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