Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

How good are your powers of recognition? Try our UKPMC scientist naming quiz for a chance of winning $30

Did you know...that UK PubMed Central (UKPMC) provides UK based (and other) biomedical and health researchers with a new view on journal articles found in PubMed?

Did you know that UKPMC has been developed in direct consultation with research communities from across the UK?

Did you know that UKPMC is one of the world's largest open access repositories, supported by the UK's leading funders of biomedical and health research?

Did you hear that ALL grantees awarded grants by UKPMC funders are encouraged to submit their published peer-reviewed journals to UKPMC through Open Access submission models? This is good, it means more Open Access journals, all the time, every day.

Do you fancy the chance of winning $30? If so, just take a look at our new UKPMC poster, name ALL the scientists on it correctly and Email with your answers.

Winners will be announced on 20th October. And don't forget, check out the UKPMC service - - and let us know what you think (feedback buttons on every page).

The winner of this draw will be informed on the 20th October.

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