Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Day 5: USGS Publications Warehouse and OPEN ACCESS

USGS Publications Warehouse is an online citation index for USGS-authored publications managed by the USGS Library that serves as the authoritative source for information and access to USGS publications. This includes official publications such as USGS-authored journal articles, series reports, book chapters, other government publications, and conference proceedings.

Each publication has its own descriptive citation page that is dynamically generated based on information stored in a database. The Publications Warehouse cataloging team builds and maintains records based on data derived from a variety of sources, including the USGS Information Product Data System (IPDS), USGS Science Publishing Network pages and announcements and other bibliographic databases.

The Publications Warehouse site is built in such a way to allow easy indexing by web search crawlers, and provides both basic and advanced search capabilities. The site also provides a number of different Web services, including a customizable RSS feed and a MODs XML service.  Many of these services are helpful to outside developers, and can be used as an alternate way to access the data available in Pubs Warehouse. In support of the USGS Public Access Plan, Publications Warehouse also provides information about the embargo dates for publications that will become freely available 12 months after publication beginning October 1, 2016.

Here's a list of other USGS and external systems that include Pubs Warehouse:

  • IPDS
  • CrossRef
  • FundRef (extramural publications)
  • ScienceBase
  • Science Data Catalog
  • DataCite
  • Updated / WRET USGS “Publications” content (
  • GoogleScholar
  • Science.Gov

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