Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Conference Lithuanian Journals Meeting the Needs of Digital Scholarly Communication

25 October 2016  during International Open Access Week  2016 occurs a conference organised by

Research Council of Lithuania,  The Association of Lithuanian Serials,  ISM University of Management and Economics,  Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

There are about two hundred Open Access journals in Lithuania!

The quantity and quality of national scholarly journals, as well as options for their dissemination, have been widely discussed in previous conferences. This year, the conference aims to not only introduce novelties but also look into the improvement of the Lithuanian scholarly periodicals over the last five years, i.e. the period when the international scholarly communication established in the digital space and became more open.

The Conference will offer discussions on insights, challenges and solutions by guest speakers who are experts in peer-review, assessment of scientific output, and dissemination of journals.

The Conference also plans to present guidelines on the improvement of publishing scholarly journals and introduce the Lithuanian scholarly journals that already conform to the current needs of digital scholarly communication. The key criteria are as follow: does a journal have a digital version; can it be easily found on the Internet and is accessible to the reader; does a journal have the implemented peer-review and publication systems; how may Lithuanian journals are indexed in the freely accessible academic databases, e. g. Google Scholar, Zenodo, etc.

The conference venue is  ISM University of Management and Economics, building III,  auditorium 114B, Arklių g. 18,  LT-01129  Vilnius, Lithuania 

The conference starts at 10.00 am.

The programme of the conference   

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