EA European Academy of Technology and Innovation Assessment and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz are partnering up in organizing a two-day conference titled "Innovating the Gutenberg Galaxy.
The Role of Peer Review and Open Access in University Knowledge Dissemination and Evaluation" at the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz. This conference from 26 to 27 January 2016 will investigate the role of peer review and open access in university knowledge dissemination and evaluation.
The first day will address peer review with its role in ensuring quality and efficiency of knowledge dissemination and evaluation being the main point of interest.
The second day will address open access in knowledge dissemination; to provide for well-informed reflection on the quality of knowledge evaluation, strong focus is getting placed on potentials and implications of new ways to disseminate knowledge.
The academic discussions on peer review and open access will be guided, locally grounded, and summarized by an accompanying panel of leading academic professionals from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU).
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