Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Supporting a sustainable future for open access

Jisc have been involved in shaping and supporting the open access movement since its early days and we know that our member institutions want to see a sustainable future for open access; but what does sustainable look like when we’re talking about sharing research?

This, the tenth year of OA Week has an open theme itself, and while there are many benefits of open access (OA) to research, we know that top of the list of drivers for higher education institutes (HEIs) is ensuring they remain competitive and secure ongoing funding for research.

The transition to OA brings challenges and changes to working practices and systems, including issues around managing data, keeping down costs and improving efficiencies. As an independent, non-commercial service provider and voice of the sector, we work to understand the concerns and interests of our members - this is the starting place for everything we do, we need to be open in order to listen.

In our blog for Open Access Week we share ten ways Jisc is working to support higher education and research institutes to meet and go beyond the funders’ requirements, creating an open access experience which enhances existing research programmes and makes researchers’ working lives that little bit easier.

With well over ten years expertise in supporting the academic community with open access, Jisc are open in order to continue collaborative working, and support the needs of the wider higher education and research sector with providing expert advice and services, for years to come. Head to the Jisc website to find out more about our work in this area, or to read our introductory guide

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