Are you participating in OAWeek 2021? (You can update this later)
First name
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Organization/institution name
University of Ghana, Legon
Type of institution
Academic Institution
What's your position?
What's the level of OA awareness where you are?
What are your goals for OA Week?
Our goal is to promote and educate the University of Ghana community on publishing OA by our faculty and researchers, and possibly indoctrinate the OA principles and values with our immediate scientific and research community; and the significance thereof of OA to increasing inclusive and collaborative global scientific community to enhancing the discoverability,visibility and access by encouraging the adoption of open access licenses and copyleft systems, Self-archiving in OA repositories and OA Journal publishing , as well as legal and technical issues in open scholarship practice.
We hope our OA Week, through our advocacy will raise the necessary awareness of library patrons and other key stakeholders about open access, both the concept and the open access resources, through means appropriate such as educational campaigns and promotion of open access resources.
How did you hear of the OA Week site?
Through OpenCon
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