Author: Pablo Markin Published Online: 2017-10-02 URL: …Continue
Tags: publishing, review, quality, science, transparency
Started by Dr. Pablo B. Markin Oct 13, 2017.
Open Access Week 23-27 oktober2017-10-06 av Malin RydenhagOpen Access Week är ett världsomfattande event som i tio år uppmärksammat nyttan och nödvändigheten av Open Access, både för den enskilda…Continue
Started by Jessica Lindholm Oct 10, 2017.
I just added an event for the Open Access Week. It will be themed around Wikipedia and Open Access. Besides…Continue
Started by Jan Ainali Sep 10, 2015.
Also we at Malmö University want to celebrate the Open Access Week 2012. Malmö University Library organizes a number of activities and events with various aspects of open access. The subjects concern…Continue
Started by Ewa Giniewska Oct 1, 2012.
Dear pals, I hope this post finds you doing well and still very motivated in enabling access to information be a reality much more. You would like to read and know that openess ( open data, open knowledge and open access ) is possible within an African -Cameroonian context ----->>>
I'm an Editor for the Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, an Open Access journal. I am interested in your OA week events.
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