Hi there Open Access Week Participants,
I am Alyson Kelvin, Associate Editor for the Journal of
Infection in Developing Countries, JIDC, and I am organizing the
JIDC Open Access Week (OAW) events. I will be posting all the
JIDC Open Access Week Events here on the JIDC Group OAW Blog and on
our JIDC Blog. I invite you to join us, our JIDC group,
during OAW and also become a member of JIDC (as always, free
registration, http://www.jidc.org/index.php/journal/index).
Here’s a little about JIDC. We are an Open Access, online,
medical journal with a unique mentoring program. We were
accepted to Pubmed 2 years ago and publish approximately 1000
papers a year! We publish peer reviewed research articles,
review papers, as well as case reports on the subject of infectious
diseases that affect the developing world. We welcome
manuscripts from any country but particularly strive to provide all
infectious disease researchers from developing countries with an
international forum for publishing their research
We provide immediate open access of accepted papers on the
principle that making research freely available to the public
supports a greater global exchange of
knowledge. Importantly, JIDC is a platform for the
scientific interaction between the developed and developing
Our Mentoring System is the heart of JIDC and is the
major reason for the journal’s existence. The mentoring system
allows scientific interaction between the developing and developed
world. This unique mentoring system’s purpose is it to
facilitate the publication of international research by two means:
scientific mentoring and English/communication mentoring.
This allows scientists who require help in English writing or
scientific methodology access to technically qualified people.
Most international journals are run by scientists from
countries with highly developed economies. JIDC is a journal that
provides a platform from which developing country scientists can
achieve publication and be read in international
labs. Our hope is that the research being produced
in developing country laboratories will reach an international
For more information on JIDC please see out website (http://www.jidc.org/index.php/journal/index),
Blog (http://blog.jidc.org/);
or contact me Alyson Kelvin (akelvin@jidc.org).
Thanks and we hope to hear from you!
You need to be a member of JIDC, The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries to add comments!