Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Are Librarians in Africa interested in pushing for OA issues in their respective libraries?

If knowledge access is important for development in Africa, how come so much of knowledge is inaccessible? University libraries in Ghana have difficulty accessing research work done in their institutions and in Ghana as a whole. This has been a challenge in supporting teaching, learning, research and knowledge dissemination. My colleague Librarians in Ghana should really push this year in celebrating the OA week so we can sensitise stockholders and policy makers in establishing OA/IRs in Ghanaian research and academic institutions hence having access to our local content.

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Richard is the education, the stakeholders as you rightly said, need to be sensitise and gradually we shall get there. I look forward that we come up with several awareness programmes to achieve this.

I agree with you Richard, the is the need for librarians in Ghana to embark on vigorous sensitization and advocacy which must begin from our various institutions. 

I seriously believe that most of us  Librarians in Ghana have heard alot and  have attended some Open Access conferences which in itself has sensitised and given us enough knowledge, which we can begin to share to create awareness in our various institutions. Every  last week in October    is open Access week, lets do something this time this year. .......... Open Access is actually here to us as researchers and Librarian............

Mr. Lamptey, could we have an action plan for this, to celebrate the week? It might be in a very small way.


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