Hi! I was wondering if there will be French material available for download in the international section? Even a French logo would be great to have! Thanks!
Hi Jeanette, if you type "Libre Accès" in Google by searching for images, you get the standard PLoS OA logo in French. Also CARL has a leaflet in French http://www.carl-abrc.ca/uploads/pdfs/CARL_OA_flyer_f.pdf
Kind regards, Marianne
Hi All.
Thanks Marianne for your suggestions!
In prepping for OA Week we recreated some of the promotional material in French. Everyone, please feel free to use and share widely!
Hi Jeanette,
Thank you for sharing, I used your poster and images for last year's OA Week. Do you by any chance have any new materials this year (particularly the poster 2014)? Thanks in advance :)!
Hi Victoria,
I'm happy to hear they were useful last year! Here is the poster I made in PDF for this year, as well as the source file (just a powerpoint really) so that anyone can alter and reuse for their specific events.
Wonderful, thank you Jeanette! I see that there is no "official" French translation of the title: a colleague from France went with "Génération Libre accès" in full, I thought it would be "Génération Libre" and you have yet another version... I actually prefer "Génération ouverte"! Thanks again and happy OA Week ;)
I think Génération Ouverte works. The official translation of open data is données ouvertes and open government as gouvernement ouvert, (at least here in Canada) so I don't think it's too much of a stretch to go with génération ouverte. Good luck with your events!
I agree! Thank you :)
Here is the button we've created, from the one in English available on the site.
Everyone, please feel free to use !
Best regards,
Frédérique - Bibliothèque universitaire Pierre et Marie Curie
Merci Frédérique !
Merci Natalie! Le fichier ci-joint est l'affiche de cette année, c'est bien ça que vous vouliez partager? Avec votre permission je la réutiliserai à l'Université de Moncton. Savez-vous si le portail d'actions est disponible en français?
Très bien, merci beaucoup Natalie ! Bonne semaine du LA :)
At Bibliotheque Polytechnique Montreal, we already publish Libguides in french and in english on OA.
A la Bibliotheque de Polytechnique Montréal, nous publions des guides documentaires en français et en anglais sur le libre accès.
http://guides.biblio.polymtl.ca/libre_acces in french
http://libguides.biblio.polymtl.ca/open_access in english
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