Me too.
We used pictures of the materials from Flickr to illustrate our resources - the badges look great :-)
At Northwestern University, we're hosting a faculty panel, a student panel and Ed Valauskas as guest speaker, along with some sessions on authors rights and the NIH mandate conducted by librarians at Northwestern's Galter health sciences library.
Details are shaping up and are posted here (still in flux a bit)
On Wednesday of OA week, after Ed's talk, we are officially opening our new Center for Scholarly Communication and Digital Curation, a new facility and collaborative service hosted by the library.
We are an arts college, so the idea of showing Creative Commons movies such as RIP! and the McIntosh work are great ideas. We also are interested in the sharing and reuse of images and music. I think the students and faculty would be very receptive to this.
Welcome everyone,
PLoS will be speaking at a number of institutions. To name a few University of British Columbia, University of Manitoba, UCSF, Stanford, London University of Hygene and Infection Disease, etc. Plos will be hosting an event Heather Joseph and William Gunn from Mendeley and in the UK PLoS office we will be collaborating with HIFA a listserv that focuses medical researchers and advocates in developing countries.
Few ideas:
Hi Donna,
What kind of swag does PLoS have to offer?
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Open Access Week
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