Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Save this space! Online discussion coming October 3.

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Amazing! Thank you!
Listeners are asking what SPARC is planning for the Week. Yes! We will launch a welcome/kick-off video, featuring stars of Open Access and the Web. An announcement is set for the week of October 17.

gr8 :)


Is that possible we can get the date, time and a couple of sentences of what's about it before Oct. 17. We'd like to send out our events flyer by Oct. 11, including the SPARC webcast.


The University of Washington is taking a completely different tack this year re: OA Week.  In the past we concentrated on programming – usually 3-4 programs per year.  Had quality speakers, good content (or so said the attendees) and pretty good PR/advertising, but mediocre to bad attendance.  This year is a complete change – no formal programs at all.  All efforts this year are being put into creation of an extensive exhibit in a high traffic lobby of our main library that will run for most of the month of October, and on advertising the exhibit.  Exhibit content will include: journal/book pricing/purchasing history; for-profit vs. not-for-profit pricing and where journal revenue goes in each case; a life cycle of scholarly communication diagram; author rights: Creative Commons licensing; IRs and their use; interactive OA peer review; a glossary of terms used in the exhibit; a “Sticker Shock”-like price comparison; and a “guess the price of this journal” contest (with the journal changing weekly). 


Are you going to capture this content?

This is it! Consider it captured : )
Thanks, Jennifer!  I was also wondering if Mel is going to capture the content of these exhibits and post them somewhere.

Definitely going to.  At least most of it.  We have a publicly available Scholarly Publishing and Open Acccess page.  Our exhibit content will be up on a page that will be linked from that top level page, starting sometime next week.


Excellent!  Thanks, Mel.
Great ideas!
Fantastic ideas on this one based on previous challenges !! (Also like the idea of a strategy longer than a week)


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